Punching Among Sandboxers; Why The Nielsen Inertia Wins
The Chrome Privacy Sandbox team is stuck within a Catch-22. Plus, why haven’t media buyers bought more into alternative currencies?
The Chrome Privacy Sandbox team is stuck within a Catch-22. Plus, why haven’t media buyers bought more into alternative currencies?
Viewers might want to watch trashy shows from time to time, but they certainly don’t want to watch trashy ads. For the solution to what ails CTV, the industry could turn to another rapidly growing marketing favorite: retail media.
A YouGov study found that people are more likely to sign up for an online platform if they can see how their information will be used. This presents a trust opportunity for marketers, writes Lauren Wetzel, COO of InfoSum.
Even the experts at companies whose future depends on explaining the value exchange of personalized advertising to consumers struggle to make a convincing argument. Part of the problem is that the ad industry’s MO has been to “overcomplicate” matters, said Lauren Wetzel, chief operating officer at InfoSum, speaking at LUMA’s Digital Media Summit earlier this week.
Well, here’s the most ad techy thing ever: Clean room platform InfoSum is integrating with Unified ID 2.0 to expand how advertisers can use their first-party data in the bidstream. Omnicom Media Group is one of the first buy-side partners planning to take advantage of the integration.
Subscribe to AdExchanger Talks on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, SoundCloud or wherever you listen to podcasts. InfoSum is a company to watch. The five-year-old data services business enables onboarding, the development of new identity solutions and other use cases with a focus on privacy and data security. In this episode, President Lauren Wetzel talks […]