Michael Brunick is VP, Media Technology Director at Mediabrands Worldwide, a media buying and planning unit of Interpublic Group.
MB: The rollout of Google’s updated DoubleClick Exchange offering – and the proliferation of other similar real time bidding platforms – marks a watershed moment in the progression towards truly dynamic, demand-driven advertising transactions. These mechanisms give us the ability to efficiently and effectively determine value and make purchasing decisions at the most atomic level – impression by impression – at scale and across a host of inventory sources. The real key to success in this area for agencies and advertisers will be to take advantage of intelligent buying platforms like Cadreon to enable buying across all of the available real time offerings as more inventory sources and media types come online.
We, of course, need to ensure that the technology works properly and is available for open integration with the technology platform partners in the space, but we also need to make sure that enough inventory and demand gets pushed through the offering so that we can provide for the continued evolution of the media industry.