If you’ve shied away from incorporating social media and influencers into your marketing strategy, now is the time to rethink your approach. There’s never been a better moment to use these powerful channels to promote your brand – especially if you’re in the health care and pharmaceutical space.
The boom of influencer marketing makes sense: It’s a democratization of celebrity culture. While the traditional celebrity can feel distant to everyday folk, influencers are like trusted friends that really speak to consumers and understand their lived experience.
Today, influencer marketing is quickly becoming a core part of health care and pharmaceutical marketing strategies. Those that don’t invest in it are missing out on the opportunity to reach an entire demographic of consumers.
Growth of GLP-1s
To grasp the true value of social media and influencer marketing in pharma, we need look no further than the case of GLP-1s – an influencer marketing success story that has unfolded before our eyes.
Even though this medication was first approved over a decade ago to treat type 2 diabetes, it has gained widespread attention only in recent years when celebrities began using it for weight loss. The trend sparked a broader conversation across social media, further raising awareness and helping people benefit from these medications. Now, as more people share their positive experiences online, the cycle of awareness and usage continues.
Social media has also brought about a seismic shift in how patients and providers interact with each other. Patients now come to appointments more informed than they were 10 or 20 years ago, having seen others online with similar experiences. They feel more empowered to advocate for themselves, and they’re requesting specific drugs they’ve heard about from trusted influencers.
Conversations in the clinic have become less about the provider educating the patient and more about the patient and provider having a collaborative discussion to decide on the best treatment strategy.
Understanding the audience
To tap into the opportunities that influencer marketing offers, start by really learning about your target audience. Get online and dive into the platforms they’re using, who they’re following and the conversations, topics and formats they love.
Be prepared to be adaptable and learn continuously. Just because your TikTok campaign is a success today doesn’t mean the same strategy will be a hit in three months. That’s how quickly things move in social media.
The good news is there are more tools than ever to help advertisers stay ahead of the curve and be responsive to this ever-changing landscape. For example, tools leveraging real-world health care data can unlock granular insights into target audience size, location and behavior. Take PurpleLab’s Script Metrics API, which lets advertisers track prescription writing behavior in real time. To maximize impact, advertisers should use these solutions throughout campaigns to allow for real-time optimization – not just at the end when dollars have already been spent.
In social media, being agile, responsive and dynamic is the name of the game. Equip your team with data-driven tools to drive success – and always stay curious and passionate.