Amazon, the ever-silent commerce stalwart, may be next in line to join the Facebook Exchange party, according to AdExchanger sources.
Today, Facebook finally granted (long-awaited?) access to Google’s demand-side platform, DoubleClick Bid Manager, to enable DoubleClick advertisers to dish up retargeted ads on the social network through integration to FBX.
A number of DSP partners like Triggit, MediaMath, TellApart, Turn, DataXu, AdRoll and AppNexus were among the original inductees to the Facebook Exchange, but it was only a matter of time before client and agency demand forced Google’s imminent entry.
“This is good news for open marketplaces and providing clients with choice,” commented Kurt Unkel, president of the VivaKi Nerve Center, in an email to AdExchanger. “We applaud Facebook for opening up access to Google (and Amazon) and we are excited for the possibilities.”
Amazon did not return requests for comment, and a Facebook spokesman stated, “I can’t comment. Sorry.”
The jury is out whether Amazon and its DSP, Amazon Advertising Platform, will be the next to follow in DoubleClick’s footsteps, but report after report tell the same story: Amazon likes to keep its data close.
In a recent AdExchanger report, we dissected Amazon’s paid media pitch to agencies and its burgeoning ads unit that some expect to hit $1 billion in revenue totals this year.
Amazon, with its push into user authentication and identity, via Login with Amazon, and Facebook, with its near-ubiquitous ownership of social identity (which it’s now tying to mobile payments and transactions with Autofill functionality), still appear at odds in many ways in the commerce conversation.
Amazon’s rich product data gives it the ability to deliver targeted ads based on actual purchase history. The question is when it will tap into Facebook’s 1.1 billion user-strong pool of potential prospects to pad out richer campaigns through the social network. And, conversely, when will Facebook open the gate?