Terence Kawaja of LUMA Partners has provided a revised version of his ubiquitous display ad tech landscape chart. Download it here.
Kawaja will be discussing how this landscape might evolve going forward at several conferences in NYC including IAB MIXX at 10:30 am on Monday 9/27 and at OMMA Global at 9:45 am on Tuesday 9/28.
AdExchanger.com: Tell us about this latest update to your ecosystem map. Is this the “final-final”?
TK: By definition the chart will never be final since the space is so dynamic. I am still discovering companies.
A few things to bear in mind. This chart is far from perfect. Organization of such a fragmented and dynamic industry is flawed by its very nature. Many companies operate across several categories and there are distinctions within categories. This chart does not include many of the search players which are increasingly overlapping with display nor does it reflect whole categories such as lead generation and ecommerce which likewise utilize display advertising in their funnel, not to mention international companies which are barely reflected. At some point in the future I may construct an uber landscape which captures these and other players.
How can companies listed, or not, suggest changes to the map?
I plan to post this to the LUMA Partners website and will collect feedback from everyone to crowdsource future iterations. In the meantime, please excuse any placements you believe to be inaccurate.
I believe we are in for some interesting times as the space rationalizes and consolidates along with the advent of new strategic entrants.
By John Ebbert