
  • This Old-School Tactic Is Driving The Future Of Attribution

    “Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Joseph Lavan, vice president of data and insights at Netmining. When trying to predict human behavior, there’s a quote I always look back on: “Sooner or later, everything old is […]

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  • How To Get The Most Out Of The Bring-Your-Own-Data Era

    “Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Joseph Lavan, vice president of data and insights at Netmining. Online advertisers have a New Jersey diner-style menu of options for using data in their campaigns, with a glut of […]

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  • As Race Tightens, Digital May Be The Deciding Factor In Swing States

    “AdExchanger Politics” is a weekly column tracking developments in the 2016 political campaign cycle. Today’s column is written by Joseph Lavan, vice president of data and insights at Netmining. We are officially in election crunch time. In the weeks leading up to the first presidential debate and in the days after, campaign rhetoric has ramped […]

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  • Why Are Campaigns Wasting Precious Budget On Already Decided Voters?

    “AdExchanger Politics” is a weekly column tracking developments in the 2016 political campaign cycle. Today’s column is written by Joseph Lavan, vice president of data and insights at Netmining. Walking into a store knowing what you want to buy and then having a sales rep pitch you on the exact product you’ve already decided on […]

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  • Make Targeting Great Again

    “AdExchanger Politics” is a weekly column tracking developments in the 2016 political campaign cycle. Today’s column is written by Joseph Lavan, vice president of data and insights at Netmining. Perhaps you have heard the news – there is an election this year. Whether it’s from your Facebook feed being flooded with the hottest of hot […]

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  • Enchanted Objects: A Boon For Consumers and Marketers Alike?

    “Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Christopher Hansen, president at Netmining. Last summer, Ditto Labs CEO David Rose appeared on “The Daily Show” to discuss his book “Enchanted Objects,” a term he uses to describe products that […]

  • Centro Adds Private Marketplace To Brand Exchange

    Centro launched a private marketplace within its ad exchange on Tuesday. Although Centro Brand Exchange was already an exclusive, invitation-only auction house, the private marketplace enables advertisers to purchase premium inventory in unique formats, such as 300×600, and in places that had previously been unavailable, such as on homepages. It also allows selected trading desks […]

  • Agencies Undermine Mobile

    “Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Christopher Hansen, president at Netmining. It seems silly to think that mobile Web usage caught the advertising industry off guard. Existing ad companies, be they agencies or ad tech, were so […]

  • Mobile: Still A Pain Point For The Buy Side

    “Data-Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and contains fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media. Today’s column is written by Christopher Hansen, president at Netmining. The industry initially treated mobile like a silo in the rush to get ads onto devices. Marketers, eager to leverage these new devices, pushed agencies to […]

  • Netmining Focused on DR And Performance Marketing For Now Says Margiloff

    Will Margiloff, Chairman of Netmining and co-CEO of Innovation Interactive, discussed Netmining’s new SiteInsights product which provides audience insights for a marketer’s campaigns. Read more. Given Netmining’s terminology around “scoring,” do you see the Netmining SiteInsights platform as a solution for lead generation marketers, in particular? WM: We are clearly focused on direct response […]