Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.
NY Times Calls On Editor For Digital Strategy
The New York Times is pulling one if its editors off of their beat to help with digital strategy. “Jill Abramson, managing editor for news at The New York Times, will step aside for six months to focus on digital operations and strategy,” writes the Times’ Stefanie Clifford. This appears to be an effort to make both digital and print sync better. The Times executive editor, Bill Keller tells Clifford, “We really want this to be one newsroom, and it is part of the way there, not all of the way there,” Mr. Keller said. “There is still a digital rhythm and a print rhythm, and they don’t feel synchronized.” Read more.
Microsoft Files Suit Against Click Fraudsters
The Wall Street Journal’s Riva Richmond covers Microsoft’s suit against fraudsters who Microsoft alleges were clicking their way to a healthy pay day unlawfully via AdCenter text ads. Richmond writes that according to the claim against one publisher defendant, “The site had previously averaged 75 clicks a day, but the number spiked above 10,000 clicks per day, according to the complaint.” Read it. Meanwhile in The New York Times, Richmond (Wow! She’s writing for the Times and The WSJ!) writes a piece entitled, “Five Ways to Keep Online Criminals at Bay.” Read that one here.
Mobile Ad Stack
Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry writes a piece for The Business Insider about the mobile advertising stack and says, “in personal computing, the value was first in hardware, then software, and now the web and the cloud. In the mobile ad market, the value is moving from the networks to the apps.” Read what it means.
The New Ad Network
CPX Interactive CEO Mike Seiman says on the company’s blog that “the landscape of advertising is in such a rapid state of change that agencies and advertisers can no longer expect to be able to do it all, they need to start relying on companies that understand the ever-changing landscape to help get their clients’ messages out to the world.” Answer, says Seiman: The new ad network. Read more.
Google Competing In Cloud
TechCrunch says that Google will launchits own answer to Amazon’s S3 cloud storage service called Google Storage for Developers, or ‘GS’. Like any good competitor, Google will make it “very easy for existing S3 customers to make the switch to Google Storage,” says TechCrunch. Read more.
Lee On and Associated Content
Canaan Partners’ Warren Lee is interviewed on PE Hub about recent activity surrounding Canaan investments and the acquisition of Associated Content by Yahoo!. In discussing the lead up to the Associated Content acquisition, Lee shares, “There were lots of interactions between the two companies about what Yahoo’s strategy would be, and they left all of us believing that Associated Content would be a critical part of Yahoo’s plans going forward.” Read more.
Murdoch Subscription Plan
All Things D’s Peter Kafka says that News Corp’s Rupert Murdoch may be in the final stages of rolling out a long-awaited website subscription model, but not before he signs up a few more of his fellow publishers for his subscription umbrella. Read it.
B2B Display Guide
Bizo has published a new digital booklet titled, “Beyond the ‘Click’: The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising.” Bizo CEO Russell Glass says on the company blog that among topics covered is: “Clicks aren’t always the most reliable indicator of purchasing intent in the B2B world, so it’s time to shift our way of thinking.” Read the post. And, download here (signup required).
On Privacy And Targeting
Privacy restrictions in Europe have negatively impacted display performance says a new study by the Social Science Research Network and Avi Goldfarb of the
University of Toronto and Catherine Tucker of MIT. MediaPost’s Wendy Davis quotes from the report which also suggests that niche sites saw better ad effectiveness due to the increased relevance of ads than general news sites. Read MediaPost. See the report.
Define ‘Innovative’
Media guru and VivaKi exec Rishadt Tobaccowala ruminates in a recent post on his personal blog that “innovative” means “fresh insightful connections.” He adds, “Each of these three words; ‘fresh’, ‘insightful’ and ‘connections’ helps not only identify what is innovative but even more importantly, help one become innovative.” Read more.
Earned Media Traction
AdWeek’s Brian Morrissey looks at the growing traction around earned media – where the marketer doesn’t pay for an ad but earns positive benefit, exposure, etc., through participating in a in a social conversation. Brian Stoller of Mindshare North America tells Morrissey, “Earned media for traditional campaigns is a key component of every conversation with every client.” Read it.