Here’s today’s news round-up… Want it by email? Sign-up here.
DNT Set To “ON”
If you just can’t stand browsing without a Do-Not-Track feature, in a few days Microsoft says it can help with DNT Features built into its latest Internet Explorer 10. Read the news buried in a release. Meanwhile, IAB CEO Randall Rothenberg isn’t happy as he says the DNT feature is set to “ON” by default in the Windows version. He tells IAB members, “This represents a step backwards in consumer choice, and we fear it will harm many of the businesses, particularly publishers, that fuel so much of the rich content on the internet.” Read more. On that note, the DAA is “concerned,” too. Read more.
A Microsoft spokesperson responds, “Multi-stakeholder discussions regarding the appropriate response to the DNT signal are ongoing and we look forward to continuing to participate in them. We believe a consistent industry-wide response is important in order to provide a consistent consumer experience across the web. As we announced in February, Microsoft Advertising intends to treat the do-not-track browser signal as an opt-out of behavioral advertising under the Digital Advertising Alliances self-regulatory program. Microsoft does not yet respond to the DNT signal, but we are actively working with other advertising industry leaders on what an implementation plan for DNT might look like, with a goal of announcing more details about our plans in the coming months.”
Invite Media Integration?
A “big event” is planned on Tuesday by Google’s DoubleClick unit as display insiders anticipate the next rev of the platform. No word on what the news is exactly but Invite Media’s integration into DoubleClick For Advertiser ad server – DFA 2.0 – may be at hand as exchange buying (and other stuff) is integrated in the advertiser-side ad server. Or, how about the somewhat stealthy DoubleClick Data Plaform (DDP!) – is Google on the verge of launching a data management platform layer that provides easy access for exchange buyers to first or third-party data sets? Or how about an Admeld integration update? Or? Or? Read a bit more. A live stream will be available.
Mobile Web Vs App
Digiday’s Josh Sternberg explores the debate publishers are having on whether to go Mobile Web or App with their publications. Responses vary – even within a response – as Nat Geo president Declan Moore says, “Both. At National Geographic, we’re happy with the scale we are achieving with our native app interactive edition for the magazine, using Adobe DPS to integrate with existing print workflows and provide added texture to our storytelling narrative, including the addition of popular video elements.” Read more.
Was Product Search, Now Shopping
On The Google Commerce blog, Sameer Samat, vp of product, Google Shopping, announces that the company is dumping its free product search listings known as Google Product Search in exchange for paid ones called Google Shopping. The reasoning is… better data: “Higher quality data—whether it’s accurate prices, the latest offers or product availability-should mean better shopping results for users, which in turn should create higher quality traffic for merchants.” And, more Google revenue. Read more. Imagine if Google made is “regular” search engine with paid listings? – a la GoTo from days of yore. Search Engine Land’s Danny Sullivan sees a strategic shift by Google as it accepts paid inclusion into its product search engine. Read more.
Rich Media Rules
On ClickZ, Tessa Wegert offers 10 Do’s and Don’ts for rich media advertising. Cross-channel integration is a biggy for the “Do’s” column: “Make your online rich media ads consistent with your offline ads, social media presence, and product site. There is much to be said for creating an integrated cross-media experience, particularly when it comes to encouraging product and message recall.” Read it.
I Love Social
In the past week, social marketing software companies Buddy Media and Vitrue have been the subjects of takeover talk both rumored and real. MediaBrix is getting into the act and has launched what it says is the “First, End-to-End Social Advertising Platform.” The company’s SocialBEE, SocialViews and SocialFlex products are at the heart of it. Read the release.
Infographic Friday
Pretarget is back with another infographic and this time it’s all about display ad pricing. See it now!
But Wait. There’s More!
- On Facebook, ‘Likes’ Become Ads – The New York Times
- Online Advertisers’ Worst Enemy: Venture Capitalists – Forbes
- BrightTag’s European Growth Accelerates, Adds Invizua as Partner – press release
- Bizo’s Self-Service Retargeting Solution Offers Fast On-Ramp to High-Performance Display Ads – press release
- Woe The Digital Sale: What About Those Upfront Dollars? – MediaPost
- Google Applies for More than 50 New Domains Including .LOL and .YouTube – Ad Age
- Yext, Others, Hiring Lacrosse Players (subscription) – The Wall Street Journal